Life Events
According to the Book of Common Prayer, sacraments are "outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace." Some of these sacraments are celebrated at times of certain special life events. We look forward to sharing with you in these special sacramental moments.
Holy Baptism
We offer the Sacrament of Baptism joyfully! We do follow the rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer and normatively offer Baptism on the following days, during a regularly scheduled worship serv…
If you are planning to get married - Congratulations! Please see our procedures for weddings included here ... it is best to not set a date before speaking to clergy, so that you are not disap…
Funerals & Memorial Services
In the event of a death, please contact the church as soon as possible, so that prayers can be offered, and plans can be made. At this time while we have no Rector, the Parish Administrator ca…